Dinosaur egg, oh dinosaur egg
When will you hatch?
'Cause I got a million people coming on Friday
And they expect to see a dinosaur, not an egg
Robot slave, oh robot slave
When will you spring to life?
'Cause I got a million people coming on Friday
And I don't expect to serve them drinks myself... myself
My own reflection... oh my own reflection
Do you think anybody else thinks you're quite as handsome as I do?
Probably not 'cause they're not me, and I am biased
Solitude, sweet solitude
When will you, when will you disappear?
Cause you're an acceptable guest sometimes
But you'll not be a long-term friend of mine
My solar body, oh my solar body
When will I join you out of this flesh?
'Cause I am sick and tired of being sick and tired
I'd much rather be a golden ball of light, but still have sex
Tortured spirit, oh tortured spirit
When will you appear?
'Cause I got a million people coming on Friday
And I don't wanna have to scare the shit out of them myself
Scout Niblett
No trobo la cançó al goear, però sí que està al Spotify. Quan les obsessions semblen triades pel guionista per donar un respir a la protagonista_i la salven. Aquesta cançó-aquesta cantant omple hores i hores de les últimes setmanes. I avui que em paro a entendre la lletra. I ve al Primavera Sound. I aquest petit cercle que es tanca em dóna una petita calma. La teen que em poseeix s'excita amb aquestes coincidències, sent que el món gira amb una raó de ser i la necessita perquè no la té.
Innocent, es pensa que la trobarà...;)
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